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Healthy ageing

Maintaining good health requires obtaining a balance between genetic and environmental factors, such as nutrition, exercise and activities which stimulate mental alertness. We can help you to optimise your metabolic status to prevent age-related physical decline or cognitive impairment.


Migraines can have a debilitating effect on daily life. Our goal is to dramatically reduce migraine occurrences so that the need for drugs becomes redundant and you can start living life without hindrance.


Our goal is to help identify what’s triggering your eczema so as to eliminate or reduce it. While a customised approach may take more time than traditional methods of treatment, our Clinical Team will work diligently towards finding an effective solution to relieve your discomfort.


With ME/CFS, we start by developing a clearer picture of your condition, which involves ME/CFS-specific questionnaires, and use accredited laboratory tests in order to provide you with the best treatment programme.

Post-viral fatigue

Our goal is to offer both relief and an improved quality of life for those suffering from post-viral syndrome. Rather than treating only symptoms, we focus on identifying root causes in order to put patients on a path towards recovery.


Allergies and sensitivities are often the root causes of asthma. We can do some detective work to uncover which allergens could be affecting you and provide allergy/sensitivity treatment to help you find relief.

Lyme disease/chronic borreliosis

For those unfamiliar with Lyme disease, it can be tricky to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to many other conditions. Our Clinical Team has helped thousands of Lyme patients receive the treatment they need.

Gut health

When the trillions of microorganisms in our gut become unbalanced, it can lead to serious abdominal problems and other conditions. Our Clinical Team will take a pro-active approach when it comes to assessing a your gut health and devising a treatment plan to rebalance the microbiome, restore digestive health and prevent future problems.

Chronic pain

Living with chronic pain is debilitating and impacts your life in many ways. Let us help you to discover the cause of your discomfort, and create an action plan tailored for long-term relief to improve your quality of life.

Allergy & environmental illness

Allergies and environmental illnesses can have far-reaching implications. Everything from food to chemicals, perfume or smoke could be affecting your health. We can offer ways to manage them effectively to get back control over your life.

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